My name is Yue Wu, a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow; LMS and EMS member. I am accepting PhD student(s) all year round. My research interest includes:

I am the co-orginazer of Data Science for Mental Health interest group of The Alan Turing Institute, the past events can be found in DS4MH.

I am the co-orginazer of Women in Data Science and Mathematics Seminar Series, the webpage can be found in WINDSMATH.

I am now writting a book on the theory of rough paths with Terry Lyons, Hao Ni, and Danyu Yang.

My current PhD students include Xinheng Xie, Shahzeb Khan and Danqi Zhuang.

I have been the external PhD examiner for UCL and the University of Liverpool.